I saw something like this in James Bond last night and tried to replacate it. Put it under water to see it work. The absorb wall in the middle would go in your mouth, The side bulbs take in water and "filter" the O2 out of it.
Well I built a version with out conv... but it broke and i gave up for now...
Thanks for all the support!
Great concept. @SuperJohn, who cares if it doesn't work in real life? It works here, that's enough for me. I must say you are becoming a real prick and I don't appreciate the likes of you.
@SuperJohn i know hes using conv but how do you know somting like this isnt possible
this is great!!! +1
@balamcat thank you
Sounds good, doesnt work. IT DOESNT WORK IN REALIFE
also, you can get rid of the converters if you do this 2162755. Cool idea btw
it seems to work for submarines
well sadly this would not work because there is not enough oxygen in the water if you would try to electrolize water and get oxygen and hydrogen out of it and then breath it also breathing pure oxygen is not a good thing to do