10th Aug 2017
11th May 2021
A fungus that spreads pure corruption. Set to fancy and do not unpause, please.
kinda scary but still needs a upvote! +1
Dietrayus Fungus
now i learned something. thanks, man
Well... if you make disease in TPT, try to it act at least logicaly.
this is a fictional fungus, so nobody is forbidden to give their own sickness infinite possibilities. so yeah, some fungi can break the laws of the body depending on the creator's thoughts
notice that the virus spread irregulary. 2nd day it were just hands, 3rd all limbs and head, but not even a part of torso. Fourth day suddenly entire torso got infected while hands hadnt degrated even a bit
also i dont need the credit for container. its just piece of solids.
i meant the disease is short. kill in 6 days? isnt it kinda too short?
i respect your opinions about my saves being short.
okay, man.