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15th Aug 2017
16th Aug 2017
Hello. Its your friendly neighbourhood Shitty Bomb maker. This one is really here for you to take and test on things. This bomb does not, NOT cause heavy structural damage so don't expect it to blast through bunkers and shit. Just spreads harmful gases.
caustic acid bomb shittybomb explosive gravitybomb warp compression


  • TheShittyBombBloke
    15th Aug 2017
    So actually this bomb is actually capable of Structural Damage
  • TheShittyBombBloke
    15th Aug 2017
    Bit of an update. i ran a side by side contained detonation test of a slight variant and found that this bomb deposits a 4th gas that i never noticed before. The broken vibranium outer core, after the explosion it turns into a gas and soon after releases the energy in a series of light explosions.