@atomic, that save merely restates things. It does not preclude time being the fourth dimension.
@Majora and co who like to go on about 'spacial dimensions' and 'time as the 4th dimension', look at this: ID:2180446. It is a (very) brief explanation of dimensionality.
@jotabeas, there aren't just three spatial dimensions. Have you read Flatland?
pfff, look at these peasants with their silly labels for their finite dimensional spaces. Wait until they find infinite dimensional hilbert spaces and their horrible outer products...
This fourth dimension stuff is crap, both mathematically and physically. The anime oozes with bad sci-fi narrative. But the save... hey, it is pretty standard but I've never had the patience to create something like this and it looks really good so +1
The dimesion W in the context of the anime is nothing like anything that any of you are talking about.
You guys know that whenever the "w dimension" is referenced, it means the fourth spatial dimension, right? If it was time, it would be denoted by a t, not a w. It's not really a "plane," as Voyager15 put it, it's just an axis. The concept of infinite energy occurring on different 3D slices of the 4D universe doesn't make very much sense at all. Anyway, /rant.
"This Japanese scientist created ONE WIERD TRICK for INFINITE ENERGY. Power companies HATE HIM."