3 / 2
15th Nov 2017
15th Nov 2017
My first electronic device, the microwave! I'm pretty sure there are billions like this, but I wanted to try to build one from scratch without looking at other saves. Did I do well? Let me know in the comments over here --->
woof microwave electronics electric


  • jacobot
    1st Apr 2018
    This save has been returned to normal status due to an overflowing front page
  • jacobot
    1st Apr 2018
    This save has been promoted by AwesomeBot using powdercoins. To promote your own save to front page, upgrade to 93.2 and buy powdercoins today!
  • dinus
    20th Feb 2018
    It's more than good as for the first one.
  • AwesomeBot
    16th Nov 2017
    NOTE: Just found out there is a bug where it may get stuck on, working on a fix soon.
  • optimus2006
    15th Nov 2017
    Timmy: Mommy, I accidently put the iron dish in the microwave. Mom: Oh Timmy. well, take out that dish right now! Timmy: I can't mommy. Mom: and why is that? Timmy: The plate melted. Mom: 0_0
  • magnetman33
    15th Nov 2017
    I doN'T lItErAlLY wAnT MY fOOd 'NuKED' O_O
  • KDUK2
    15th Nov 2017
    good for a first :D +1