Very large and unique randomness thing
@superjohn I connect it to both of your robots at the same time... thay started sharing thoughts
i dont see storage for information
Guys this is not a neural network it has no learning and connections to other nodes is not permanet with no learning and no real connections it is simply random patters, it is really cool thow
I connected this to my robot that is not uploaded yet and he uploaded his data to this thing... i think the tpt admins are trolling me 0_0
if you managed to connect this to a robot or somthing, then changing ttan to gold would probably give it a seizure XD it still looks cool with ttan as gold though
I have a dream, that one day all people that are good with spark including me will build a robot together!
Alot of neural nets lately. Cool though.
kinda blows up at the start... i think it got an aneurysm
replace the ttan with gold and it goes a bit mental...
a good foundation on whitch to build on