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22nd Feb 2018
1st Apr 2018
Great album. If you haven't listened to The Velvet Underground & Nico, I recommend you to do it.
warhol andy velvet


  • Ortainu
    4th Aug 2019
  • Technomancer
    22nd Feb 2018
    Are you sure about that? I can think of more than a few saves that look like they might be his work. He could be among us right now, posting enormous and badly-drawn FWRK bombs under an alias!
  • Matera_the_Mad
    22nd Feb 2018
    Thank good ness Warhol himself isn't on TPT
  • Technomancer
    22nd Feb 2018
    Yeah, I really think that Warhol just had a "f**k it, why not?!?" moment. I can't see any other reason for Nico's involvement - it certainly wasn't for musical talent!
  • xmenmax
    22nd Feb 2018
    Technomancer: Well, I think no one except Warhol really saw the point of Nico, including Lou Reed himself. She frequently disrupted recording sessions, for instance crying while recording I'll Be Your Mirror
  • Technomancer
    22nd Feb 2018
    I never thought I'd see Warhol taking over the front page! I never liked his work, mainly because whatever he might have had to say about pop culture, he just wasn't a very good artist. But I do love the Velvet Underground, though I don't really see the point of Nico, so +1 for the reference (also for not trying to make it look better than it really does!)
  • phox
    22nd Feb 2018
    oh look its quantech
  • Daniil00702
    22nd Feb 2018
    Banana, cool +1 :D