Small meteorite hits small desert town, leaves small devastation. Huge explosions are easy. It's the small but realistic effects that take the most tweaking and testing. ;) Deco on, Fire or Fancy display.
Neat +1
Also, head and tail types are different in how they show in display modes. I'm still farting around with all this off and on XD
Actually it turns out it DOES still work in mode 3, you just need a higher number. But you're right about blob view, it always shows.
I didn't even think to check that...
@Technomancer Yes, but not in all display modes!!! I've done my research on that pretty thoroughly. 3 & 5 are always bright. So I play it safe. ;)
Can you make version without meteorite plz))) :3
You probably already found this out, but tmp2 controls the brightness of everTRON. Set tmp2 to about 200 or higher and it becomes invisible without using deco. Though you would still need it to hide the NBLE...