19 / 0
1st Apr 2018
1st Apr 2018
As of late, many effortless, or not frontpage-deserving saves have reached to the top, and I seriously don't understand why. a lot of superb creators aren't getting the recognition they deserve, in place of dumb or basic saves.
yesindeed frontpag front page


  • Devarite
    27th Sep 2020
    this is back powder coins where a thing
  • aieau
    20th Mar 2020
    i don't see the problem
  • aieau
    20th Mar 2020
    frontpage is good.
  • ExplosivePowderGuy
    1st Apr 2018
    @R33sesK1ng ECCE exam, high pass. English faculty approved. And, whatever, I'm not just talking about saves uploaded today... I talking about recent saves, its been a problem since a couple of months ago? IDK. Btw, whats the problem with me making a text only save? Take a look at the fp, FREEHAND TEXT ONLY SAVES!!
  • Matera_the_Mad
    1st Apr 2018
    Relax, y'all. Tomorrow IS another day ;)
  • R33sesK1ng
    1st Apr 2018
    @ExplosivePowderGuy, Well, first, you need to learn how to speak English correctly before you make a TEXT ONLY save about something like this... But, given it's 4/1/18, anything could be a prank. There are already two.
  • _-BlackFoX-_
    1st Apr 2018
    @jacob1, I do not think that this will help. There are a lot of like-minded people, so they can simply promote the saves of the same PC-haters.
  • QuanTech
    1st Apr 2018
    promote r16k1s60
  • jacob1
    1st Apr 2018
    I changed it so that you can't promote your own saves, this should help
  • _-BlackFoX-_
    1st Apr 2018
    If people loved TPT so much, they would at least send a couple of dollars to develop their favorite game. But no! The community is so spoiled and infantile that when developers just needed the help of people they gathered with their game, they are sharply refusing to simply throw a couple of dollars in a wallet.