19 / 0
1st Apr 2018
1st Apr 2018
As of late, many effortless, or not frontpage-deserving saves have reached to the top, and I seriously don't understand why. a lot of superb creators aren't getting the recognition they deserve, in place of dumb or basic saves.
yesindeed frontpag front page


  • _-BlackFoX-_
    1st Apr 2018
    @ExplosivePowderGuy, just people, that """likes""" TPT don't want to support devs. I am really puzzled, bec. farming PC is incredibly easy. Just make random things, downloading/uploading saves, and you have ~500 PC.
  • QuanTech
    1st Apr 2018
    y'all can't take a joke
  • TheNik
    1st Apr 2018
    Guys, this is a joke. What day is today? ;-)
  • periapsis
    1st Apr 2018
    lol my piece of wood is a form of protest against powdercoins being used to move posts to the front page