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28th Apr 2018
20th Sep 2018
The YEST - DYST - DUST - FWRK process shown as a living machine. (Okay I've still to add the DUST/NEUT reaction and the fuel loading stage, to fill the reaction chamber [LHS of screen] but so little FWRK fuel is needed you may as well add it by hand)


  • R33sesK1ng
    2nd Jun 2018
    this deserves FP more than some of the stuff already there. great job +1
  • Peppercorn
    28th Apr 2018
    Now added: SPRK small square to right of gloing blue sphere to release NEUT. Wait awhile first thaough, as it takes about a minute for DUST to start dropping down the chute to cover the gold grate. On sparking, small amounts of FWRK should fall into the reactor (Top Left), powering the process (keep reactor temperature at around 270 C). Random weather (snow) events will occur to the right of the chimney structure; these should help YEST production inside the machine from overheading.