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29th Apr 2018
29th Apr 2018
what is this?


  • Technomancer
    2nd May 2018
    Any time. I'm happy to help people out, and i like when people want to know how stuff works. Abstract knowledge is a worthy pursuit.
  • flubber5
    1st May 2018
    Awesome, appreciate it.
  • Technomancer
    30th Apr 2018
    To answer the other questions - yes, it provides free electrons. No, the CO2 isn't special in any way and has nothing to do with the electrons. Yes, this can provide infinite energy by harvesting electrons, though it's almost impossible to do without indestructible containment. No, there's no MORT involved. And the meaning is that somebody blew something up with a post-modern WMD, and this is a cupfull of the fallout.
  • Technomancer
    30th Apr 2018
    What that is, is a sample taken from the aftermath of a warp-fusion bomb. EXOT was fed ELEC until it exploded. This converts it into a special form of WARP which generates high pressure, heat and ELEC. It exploded in the presence of HYGN, NBLE or OXYG and Newtonian gravity, causing fusion which created the CO2. This would hve been more apparent if the sample had included any other fusion products as well.
  • NoVIcE
    29th Apr 2018
    Good questions
  • NF
    29th Apr 2018
  • CORBEN369
    29th Apr 2018
    it looks like the warp has somthingto do with it, but i cant recreat this thng