57 / 13
12th May 2018
12th May 2018
This is the second major electronic save I've created thus far. Simply place a conductive material in the above box and unpause; it will only go off for this reason.
metaldetector r33seselec


  • AsteroidBennu
    26th May 2024
    cool +1
  • ApplePlastic
    2nd Jan 2019
    Thats a bad reason to dislike, smh.
  • R33sesK1ng
    30th May 2018
    @Aindan_Fire, It doesn't break by itself. If you put WARP in there and it broke, hen YOU broke it. Electronics aren't meant to stay in one place when you put warp in it.
  • Aidan_Fire
    30th May 2018
    putting warp in breakt it -1
  • R33sesK1ng
    17th May 2018
    Why would ANYONE think that's a good idea? It goes without saying to not put WARP into an electronic save.
  • slasher98
    17th May 2018
    For the love of god, don't put WARP into the detector.
  • R33sesK1ng
    16th May 2018
    np, bob
  • MajesticPhysics
    16th May 2018
    @R33sesK1ng Thanks for correcting me!
  • R33sesK1ng
    16th May 2018
    @MajesticPhysics, Not quite, if you put any conductive (1 px. tall) material in between two separate lines of BRAY (once unpaused), nothing will happen; as the material hasn't blocked the signal which would otherwise cause the dray to test conductivity.
  • R33sesK1ng
    16th May 2018
    @slasher98, XD, don't worry about it, man. The replicator just activates when an ARAY signal is blocked from any of the 3 px. tall units. Also, definitively, to be rude is to intentionally hurt someone, at the very least. I was just being closer to mean, if anything. To be mean, definitively, is to not regard emotion, and only speak your mind. I was not regarding how anyone really felt, I was just telling you that this isn't broken.