25 / 14
16th May 2018
22nd Jun 2019
Accidentally formed these. Seemed pretty strange, mysterious and cool (one of them literally is), so decided to share it with the TPTverse.
new material exot prot strange neut weird


  • SSA2012YT
    11th Apr 2021
    Combine them. The material that makes any other material replace itself actually does the opposite with the evaporating one. The blue one actually goes away and the grey takes over
  • The_Admiral
    22nd Jun 2019
    When dropped a bomb into the grey one, it suddenly started to pernamently glow white and it's Tmp value went looping from 247 to 0 and it kept going like that. The glow did not disappear.
  • AftaMatic
    9th May 2019
    Hydracow: Interesting!
  • AftaMatic
    9th May 2019
    KennyMcCormckTheKing: Damn, "kid"? Is that what you could come up with using that autistic walnut of yours? LOL.
  • FyrHeadOG
    8th May 2019
    And EXOT(NEUT) spreads to normal EXOT btw.
  • FyrHeadOG
    8th May 2019
    Adding ELEC to EXOT(NEUT) returns it back to its normal state (not too much ELEC!)
  • KennyMcCormckTheKing
    7th May 2019
    Everyone knows this, this is not a new material, kid. -_-
  • Hydracow
    7th May 2019
    The grey exot is just exot with a life of 1500+, if the grey exot has a temp of around 300C it will become white, the cooling exot is exot with a ctype of prot
  • squishy101
    7th May 2019
    mix the second one with caus and of course it gets rid of it but in the process it also glows
  • Plasmey_401k
    21st Apr 2019
    Adding EXOT to VIBR converts the VIBR to EXOT.