19th May 2018
30th Dec 2018
This is a simple setup to show the difference between Convex Mirror Telescopes, and Convex Lens Telescopes, using white light and mono-chromatic light. The Concave Mirror Telescopes are the common
Correction, an ellipse is not a paraboloid, but I can't be bothered to make a paraboloid
@Nunnhem An ellipse is also a paraboloid
A bit on chromatic aberration ID:2285750
If you look at the image from a poorly focused projector, you'll see yellow and blue areas on each side, this is because of chromatic aberration. It is also the effect that allows prisms to create spectra
The cross section of a lense, is an ellipse. A circle, in 2D would work as a lense
What do you mean by "unclear"?
aberation results in unclear lenses with different focal points yes?
This isnt realistic. Lenses are paraboloids, Not elipses.
this would have been great last year when my teacher caught me using powder toy to mess around with lenses in a science lesson about lenses and then made me reaserch lenses on powder tor to get an acurate simulation... but there wernt any
ah yes... + and - lenses... SCIENCE FTW lol