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15th Jul 2018
14th May 2019
It's EMP proofed. It regenerates. It overwrites anything that gets inside the BHOL, not to mention the powerful gravitational resistance. The only way through is to destroy the whole thing.


  • Ophion
    23rd Nov 2021
    Ok i this fliping wall is unbreakeble because of bhol that makes up 99% of this wall
  • imkira3
    26th Feb 2020
    But can you beat the full wall gamers4? If you want a real challenge, take a look lol
  • tlkt4
    15th Sep 2019
    cray destroyed XD
  • Brian101
    21st Apr 2019
    I used a portal gun, my own creation, and some ttan to safely teleport STKM to the other side.
  • imkira3
    15th Jul 2018
    I has to use an AMTR scalpel to clear any NTCT or PSCN every 8 frames, the anti gravity keeps the AMTR under control.
  • imkira3
    15th Jul 2018
    Thanks, it was the EMP proofing that was so hard. The most important feature in this wall is the ability to overwrite elements every 8 frames and replace with BHOL, doing so requires PSCN, which is not an EMP proof element. It has a GTE ray on the 7 other frames.
  • VIBR
    15th Jul 2018
    Not bad i guess, If i could hit it i could probably destroy it with just Dest Spam but w/e. Good job with the stacking