This laser shoots magic nyan rays of 8k heat and they are also colored uh, with rainbow
Then I'm off to hunt some moa for Thanksgiving dinner instead of a turkey.
I think they are on the extinct species list, so you can hunt them as much as you want.
Aren't unicorns on the endangered species list?
as im see, everything is ok with orange(s) (fruits)
Yes, I believe hunting and killing unicorns is very good!
Can I use it for hunting unicorns? :D
I believe that's because it has no heater at all, I added them later only for the final version.
FIrst prototype works on wood
Yay, I found some orange in jacob1's all phot colors, but that color should be actually displayed as red.
I did red and yellow for orange, FILT displays it correctly but PHOT code is broken and everything and it cannot display it with red and yellow :( [note the wavelength display displays the orange photon as two yellow wavelengths, but the left one is actually the first of the red ones]