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30th Jul 2018
31st Jul 2018
I was experimenting with fusion nukes and this is the end result. Move it lower to see the "mushroom cloud" it makes.
fusion fission nuke nuclear bomb


  • Scien_Tific
    26th Dec 2018
    Of course there are like one pixel size singularity bombs, but I wanted to make a more conventional one. I guess I just made a mistake in calling it small and powerful, but calling a creation bulky and garbage wouldn't sound so good, would it?
  • guthrmad001
    24th Nov 2018
    There are smaller powerful more bombs
  • guthrmad001
    24th Nov 2018
    Still not very powerful...
  • Scien_Tific
    31st Jul 2018
    I added a couple buildings to show how well it can destroy cities.
  • Scien_Tific
    31st Jul 2018
    I called it powerful because I tested this bomb in Tanatos' city and it destroyed most of it, but it doesn't damage flat land due to flat land being like a large object, instead of small buildings.
  • _Toby_Fox_
    31st Jul 2018
    You say its powerful, but it doesnt affect the land too much