did more research and now found this bug which is INFINITE lasting... thanks for funky3000 for first part
reached time limit :/
it worked without the blob display
@agent5551 The game doesn't handle photons as a beam, it's a series of individual particles. The glow persists for a few frames, and since in those frames another photon takes the place of the first one, the glow doesn't go away
BillCipher: lol found it
press f to get minecraft watermelon
agent5551: no, glow always changes regardless of updates. It's just that the photon density is enough to maintain it. Glow will fade if there's not enough to keep it, which can happen even if there is something.
The point is it would appear the game only recalculates glow when the phot beam changes. Because the phot beams are not changing it has no reason to update the glow until something interacts with or changes the phot beam. Also glow only seems to decay when no more glowing particles are present.
agent5551: maybe you are correct but phot holds a no. of glow (probs 4) but becoz the phot is interacting with nothing it should lose glow. also you cant glow unless there is no elmt. and glow has a time to disappear
This is probably due to the fact that the "glow" is only updated when other particles interact with the photon beam, or during a lighting update. Stopping the photon beam counts as a lighting update, so it updates the "glow" getting rid of it. Changing display mode probably reloads or disables lighting which gets rid of the "glow".