This is the effort required to make art saves for frontpage, while the saves made with effort sinks to the bottom. Btw this is ironic plz dont kill me i have a family to feed.
chairfoodman456: gameer killing theodd1sout u mean
this is amazing art this diserves fp, then sp
drawing of a gamer killing a undercover furry acting like a gamer (2018, colorized)
@TheCARNUFEX: What does anime have to do with any thing i said below though.
@TheCARNUFEX:Thats you.
Also i don't like anime
@TheCARNUFEX: read from top to bottom
@TheCARNUFEX: I agree with you and disagree with you.Yes saves that take little to no effort are making it to FP while the saves that take days to make are pushed down by the no effort saves.
What i don't agree with is that you said that art saves require little to no effort. Art saves take lots of effort to make especially detailed one.Try making a save like Coffee's Intergalactic or VIP84's 'Into the unknown','blackhole' or 'Oblivious night'. Once you start trying to make art like that you realise how difficult it really is and probably you'll begin to see the effort in art.