5 / 0
12th Oct 2018
14th Oct 2018
rmoured to withstand DEST (to some extend) typically a hit to the reactor is a insta kill if the bomb pierces the hull. the armour can protect against up to 3 DESTs!
submarine dest armour reactor micro


  • lesio
    23rd May 2021
    How incredible that this save is neighbouring to mine when it comes to ID...
  • ZeFeeshyFish
    13th Oct 2018
    Thanks LBPHAcker!.... Matera_the_Mad - Sure why not? My fish tank already has loads of pond snails :P
  • Matera_the_Mad
    12th Oct 2018
    Can I put some of my pet snails in the tank? :)
  • LBPHacker
    12th Oct 2018
    So cute O_o I've seen countless submarine saves out there and I know I'm not a submarine guy because they don't interest me too much. I like this one a lot however, probably due to the focus being on that it's a submarine rather than on the stuff it has inside. You have elicited a response from me that I don't fully understand myself and thus get a huge +1.