i know styx would actually have flames coming out from the river or souls swimming through it but i'm not able to draw everything thank you. even still i pat myself on the back for this one
finally voted for something awesome i now know why they make that green arrow i kept thinking 'am i supposed to click on it or somethin?' *clicking the arrow whilst thinkin*
Hey- thanks for pointing this out- it is really good! on to dark scene #1..
To vote: On the main screen, in the middle, on the very bottom, there are two arrows- one green (vote up) and red(vote down) once you've voted it highlights it.
i sound so sad for asking this but how do you vote?
please look at the detail before destroying it! i worked very hard on this one simple key isn't that hard to push i'm not asking you to get on your knees and hail to my every whim just look at it