Thanks to XGEM_Gaming for making me think of this. I used layered CONV and VOID, as in my SPNG batteries, to produce the spark. The only way to clear the screen is to reload the save. More complex things could be done with this, I think.
Synergy :)
Matera_the_Mad: ID: 2349441. I have a prototype of an RGB doodle board; It's kinda pixelated, but it's RGB
You know, it's kinda funny that an old stamp buried deep in my stamp collection started this
Oh. (comment to short)
No, I should have said "reversal" -- but I know what you mean. That happens because the water is conductive, so a spark can be effective more than once. That's why I used DTEC and non-conductive powders in the last one I made. In id:2348498, thee's no randomness.
that effect is cool looking
"flip-flop" you mean the thing where it kinda half turns on then turns on completely?
I just uploaded a new version using DTEC and two different powders, one for on and one for off. Still no closer to epic RGB, but having fun anyway.
If you drop a bit of virus, wait for it to cover the board then a bit of soap it cleans up the board good as new :)
Yeah, yours is pretty cool. I like the flip-flop in this one, though, because it's fun to cut shapes out, turn everything negative, etc. I'm still experimenting with variations. I really want to do an RGB thing using a different element for each color -- but it gets fat fast.