This is a chili hotter than the Carolina reaper. It is known for the most hottest chili in The Powder Toy. The chili name is unknown and redacted. Will be updated later. Credit to Matera_the_Mad for the deco colors. P.S. This is just make-believe.
also potatomilk its scovilles
actually its liquid polonium-500000 compressed into sauce. with the scarvolts of 999 vigintillion. your mouth will explode with the power of 2 black holes exploding.
idk how to spell it lol. scolvlts?
did u kno? the hottest edible thing in the world is plutonium hot sauce. i think it's like 20 million scarvollvtectasss
matera_the_mad. i gave credit.
TheEditor4: who used this spoon and added a piston to move?
sry couldnt update
wow months and still no update, lemme update it.
i got my stamps back but i was logged off, then am back
I ws gonna make another acc but i couldnt