jacob1: is there any way to use line tool on android without a keyboard? it's ok if no, i just wanna know if i am missing out on any part of this amazing game :)
jacob1: is there any way to use line tool on android without a keyboard? it's ok if no, i just wanna know if i am missing out on any part of this amazing game
jacob1: on android that shows a cursor
@ThePizzaEater1000 No need to make screen that big, but something just enough to make tests.
@jacob1 Well, that's just the view, if I should call it like that. What we meant is a TPT simulation with actual three dimensions. It would be hard to do, but starting with basics of TPT only it could be done in weeks(or months, I don't know).
But we already have 3D TPT, just type this into the console: ren.depth3d(-3)
Also, you'd probably find that saves would be reaching gigabytes in size.