24th Dec 2018
5th Jun 2019
- Contains CONV and VOID, Update - Made it signifcantly harder to break + added my logo which wasn't there before... If you want it to be slightly easier, just delete my logo
you can also do: 3206964
use sing to remove all of the virs and then just while continously pumping out sing make sure to erase a side and eventually a gash will form and you'll be able to breach the bunker
if you use enough anti and warp you can get through but it takes a while
But that's not truly unbreakable.
Virinas-code, if u want something truly unbreakable 2923295
Yeah this is pretty old now.
Nothing is ubreakable. NOTHING. Except WALL maybe. My CRAY bomb broke it, but i know it's cheating.
took me a while to figure out how to damage
canned opener just eat it lol
Thanks man!