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7th Jan 2019
14th Jan 2019
The HV-2 is the replacement for the aging HV-1 medium. The creation of the GA shells brought the realisation that armour was practically useless against modern shells. As a result the armour was stripped down, producing a much faster tank than the HV-1.


  • Nurgle33
    14th Jan 2019
    there we go, the HV-3 heavy is up
  • Nurgle33
    13th Jan 2019
    anyway i just cracked a good armoru system to use so i will replace it with the HV-3 soon enough
  • Nurgle33
    13th Jan 2019
    also given that a nuclear round assisted by the force of gravity cant punch through the hull in one shot, no ballistic projectile would be able to take out 100 of these
  • Nurgle33
    13th Jan 2019
    history has proven that tanks built like these can be used effectively
  • Nurgle33
    13th Jan 2019
    i dont care if its armour isnt very good if hitting it in the first place is stupidly hard
  • Nurgle33
    13th Jan 2019
    apart from the part where ITS ARMOUR IS NOT MEANT TO BE GOOD. it uses high speed and the ability to cross any terrain to avoid enemy fire. if i have to engage someone against someone i have effect armour against, then i will use the HV-1
  • Thelastspartan
    13th Jan 2019
    one APFSDS-T would render 100 of these things useless. a simple ballistic projectile. So AGAIN rolling death trap.
  • Nurgle33
    13th Jan 2019
    and also remember, this tank was not designed to be used by humans
  • Nurgle33
    13th Jan 2019
    as for the volitility, most of the time the gravity generators in the shells themselves keeps the damage localised to within the tank and i a few meters around it
  • Nurgle33
    13th Jan 2019
    and besides this tank exists in a world of proton and neutron lasers, singularity torpedoes etc. this is by far not the most dangerous weapon in this world, in fact i would wager that it is one of the safer ones