quickie: updates wernt entierly sucssesful cople of weird errors in regertry clearing, involved some hoeeibly complex reajustments, works now, unless someone can find futher errors
update notes for B.C 1.3: All preccecing times have been decreaced, the overclocking was sucssesful
update notes: yes I havent worked on the B.C for a while but now I have converted all essential wires to inst, in preperation for an overclocking update
update notes for BC 1.2: there is now a nice new set of 7 seg displays for the two numbers. just as before the "+" sign can only be sparked once (or things break)
and yes the BC is now in 1.1
update notes: display now handles up to 15 (in hexidec), also major overhaul to the bin-hexdec converter
This is really nice! I think you can easily make the display work with higher numbers, if you use a smaller design for the binary to decimal conversion with 0-15, and a second 7 segment display (it shouldn't need an encoder, just one input hardwired to the "1" segments sould do)