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26th Jan 2019
26th Jan 2019
Something i discovered when playing with STAR


  • Axei
    30th Jan 2019
    TL;DR they die because theres nothing to live off
  • Axei
    30th Jan 2019
    TL;DR they die because theres nothing to live off
  • Axei
    30th Jan 2019
    Since GoL particles usually live off each other, and the dying particle cannot be counted as a neighbor AND nothing can occupy that space for those 6 frames until the particle dies, the next STAR particle that touches it will die. Then the cycle repeats, and in the end, the IRON survives.
  • Axei
    30th Jan 2019
    STAR is a LIFE type element. LIFE elements have a GoL-like ruleset that define how they will survive, defined by a string, or "rulestring". STAR's rulestring is as follows : 3456/278/6. The 6 at the end means that when one of those particles die, they stay for 6 frames and leave.
  • Axei
    30th Jan 2019
    STAR is a LIFE type element. LIFE elements have a GoL-like ruleset that define how they will survive, defined by a string, or "rulestring". STAR's rulestring is as follows : 3456/278/6. The 6 at the end means that when one of those particles die, they stay for 6 frames and leave.