Put your elements in the white box. Click blue/red button to cool/heat. Yellow/green to change incrementing scale. Current temp (in kelvins) displayed on the display. Credits to mark2222 and KBD2.
Okay, Thanks, now i use infinity gauntlet
Unicellular: This is basically layered conv and inst. When you spark it, sprk is being replaced by inst and it lose color. Disaster3432: just reload save, type in console "!set type ice 0" and add elements in the box :/
Hey DayTimer253, how do i remove water and add other elements?
To fix it just replace buttons higher or lower than ldtc wall (near heater), so inst will not get affected and will keep colouring.
Also there is a thing about inst, that it somehow updates everythime you spark it (subframe update i assume), and the whole wire with buttons every time changes to its copy, but without any deco.
69% made by you... Nice.
Update: click the yellow button to to increase the increment to 7 and green to reset to 1. Just a trick with tmp 2 and 3.
To increment by 2**n, save the n LSB somewhere, shift right by n, increment, shift up by n and merge the saved LSBs back.
Huh i found a way. OR and SUBSTRACT COLOR filts. But then it cant count down 273...
I'm pretty sure you can't make an incrementer increment by 2. The logic only allows for incrementing by 1. (Although I'm not sure if this incrementer follows the same logic.) One thing you could do is make it run multiple times, but that would slow it down.