I would love to make another community led build like my space ship. This time a supposed four legged autonomous mech. You can see the original plan I came up with in the middle. Give me your ideas and if you want, I can make a custom variant later on!
I'll make a laser cannon and bomb cannon
i see my old nickname comment ;-;
ah yes is that a tf2 reference i see
I have added new bot ID:2472061
Hmm... Thrusters might be out of the question for now... perhaps a less bulky one for scouting. However the design was already scouting based, due to lack of weapons and weakpoints over the body.
if you make the body like a plane and add thrusters it could also be hidden in the sky
you should make a speedy one for scouting
Send colours whenever.
I have some ideas : Winter camo , Suicide bomber version and etc lol
Give me more requests! More camouflages!