New member has joined, ,,LaserCannonX"!
yeah whatever. im not legally allowed to hold you here against your will. go on, you can come back later
i just need to leave in personal opinion... (answer to one of Pal's comments)
i will post saves 2 times in 3 months and i will not quit my groups dont worry ok we must set up a challenge to wake them up and new missions
Okay,I am also 99% of time outside TPT,but I am not retiring. ,,Palpatine333",I have the last mission for you:to wake up all the members.
also INFINITY-BOI i cant stand anymore youre free yeah you could just leave brfore sry
we should have a chat save. Also i will still contribute! but you must have TPTMP, TPT multiplayer (its a script!)
im retiring, im unpublishing all of my saves. And im giving BokkaB the homepage when i finish it, I will make mods and become a critic of saves by new