6th Nov 2019
8th Nov 2019
This is basically the same thing as my original country game at ID:2478125,expect that it is completely played by AI - s powered by me.Also,there is no money here.Red borders are wars,blue are allies.For the full description see the original version.
Done,but you must know that not all your neighbours are your enemies.Countries that have red border are in war,while black and blue are not.Means,you have some allies!
buil 9 bombers
News:World war beggined!
What you want to say?Want to expand?
Im doing a quarintine run.
They still do not declared war to you,unless if you want to declare war on them.
BokkaB: If possible, i make 5 bombers and send em to an enemy country.
,,Soapwurmskill909",things are very dangerous!Anti-you alliance has grown and the western alliance expanded much.
,,Soapwurmskill909" wanted the country,but all other are my AI - s.
Is it actually powered by AI (read: machine learning)? If so, that's pretty impressive, but just playing against yourself isn't the same.