The side inlets cover the radar, although the radar protrudes slightly, I wanted air to be taken in from outside, so the radar was not visible. The inlets are those holes on the side, and the one in the middle is the radar. I forgot to add a spitz and left as the third inlet
Its good, but... Actually it is a bit strange. I mean, on the front view we see that this plane has two side air intakes. However, on the side view we see that it has only one central air intake (a hole in it's nose). Maybe you should correct it.
nice design! but um... why does the pilot have a lap full of glass?
hi jacob! hope youre good with life! also +1
lol , i see at first time Jacob said a bit dramatic lol
And credit was given (With a save link :D), so it should be fine
lol you copied mine Spitfire firing system XD