2 / 0
15th Dec 2019
15th Dec 2019
Two cannons that are mainly decorational. Fire by loading a shell, placing a gunpowder/coal/IGNC charge in the rear and setting fire to it. They fire with inconsistent power/range, so reload and shoot them a few times. (I reccommend reloading the save).
cannon explosive


  • fromazx
    24th Mar 2023
    cool! deserves more upvotes
  • Merlin1846
    15th Dec 2019
    Ok I did some tests and checked the velocity and pressure veiws and the ceramic has a higher chance to fire when lit (100%) while the titanium one though tougher has around a 10% chance to fire but when it doese it is also more than 4 times as powerful. So tianium is more powerful but might not fire while the ceramic though more reliable is weaker.
  • bomb7
    15th Dec 2019
    By nice looking, I mean the shell detonation looks nice, not the cannons themselves.