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27th Dec 2019
27th Dec 2019
This tutorial tells you how to change a liquid to a solid and (briefly) how to change an element's name.
alie console command liquid solid goodhelper coremax convert


  • CoreMax
    25th Jul 2023
    Nexo, since the command will change the actual code of the element, I'm not able to make 1 section of water solid and one section liquid, so for the purposes of the tutorial I had to use deco. However if yo run the command yourself, you'll see that it actually works
  • Nexomorph
    8th Aug 2022
    fake turn on deco
  • CoreMax
    10th May 2020
    Prop tool changes element stuff like ctype and type, not the actual code of the elemnts. I'm unable to set one type of water solid without turning both solid. I rest my case
  • East_Europe3339
    28th Apr 2020
    use PROP tool bro
  • CoreMax
    19th Feb 2020
    @Mockingbird & @Merlin1846 I did that because I don't actually know a way to make one square or water solid and the other piece of water liquid.
  • Merlin1846
    27th Dec 2019
    Your supposed to do a command to make water on the left solid the stuff on the right is for looks
  • Mockingbird
    27th Dec 2019
    The "solid water" is encased in HEAC