credit to tanatos Before humans came, there lived a civilisation called the krovakian they were a peaceul but protective race but had to retreat underground as the surface had become to dangerous for them to survive
WOAH. (comment too short XD)
If they are under out cities... None of us are safe.
well... I guess the underground will be a dangerous place too
what a plot twist
The above city has been so much reused in TPT, it's like the standard TPT city now XD
I love the creativity! c:
This kinda reminds me of Gloomintown and Lumentown from "The Wonderling". The book is by Mira Bartok, by the way.
V good advice
Check out this guy's other saves. They're great.
the city under the city under the city under the city under the city under the city under the city under the city under the city under the city under the city under the city under the city under the city under the city under the city under the city under the city under the city under the See more