It's pretty weak but basically the gun shoots a high speed singularity particle that explodes on contact.
(or even better solution id:2526054)
If you place a single pixel of frme to x:97 y:170, the gun would become much more reliable
this is stronger than gamma-rays!
Why it no work for me :(
The super annoying PROT particles keep entering the barrel and exploding the SNOW/SING... i'm pretty sure the only options are to use POWDERWALL or to spawn the SNOW out of the gun, which would make the snow explode instantly. If only there was an element that blocks PROT but allows powders..
Thanks for the tips Technomancer, I'll try to fix it
aww...this should have more view...
The one thing that can stop this is... dmnd, no not dmnd INSTANT wire!
Okay, I saw what happens. FRAY doesn't need to be directly next to what is being FRAY'ed. You can make the front of the gun solid, DRAY the snow to somewhere out in front, and the FRAY will still work even through a solid barrier.