4 / 2
13th Apr 2020
27th Apr 2020
Part of Kingdom Game 2.


  • theCheekiBreeki
    14th Oct 2020
    ohh i remember when i made the shitty little hut nice
  • Vampireax
    29th Apr 2020
    The PMC is debriefed, then studied. The occurrence is burried and never allowed to be shared. "There can only be one race of gods."
  • Watboi1
    29th Apr 2020
    And aware of the Serainid.
  • Watboi1
    29th Apr 2020
    Of a VSGE world aware of what just occurred.
  • Watboi1
    29th Apr 2020
    Oof. Lol. The sky above the PMC shimmers after this action. A figure forms. The PMC would most likely recognise it as a member of the Serainid species if it was alive. It is accompanied by another far more alien figure incomprehensible in appearance. It gestures and the PMCs remains and they fall together and completely reassemble. Another gesture from the creature and the PMC shudders and comes back to life. It gazed at the PMC momentarily before gesturing again. The PMC appears in the middle
  • Vampireax
    29th Apr 2020
    The PMC will not be able to return at this point. Instead, it returns to the cult, throws grenades at them, and uses pieces of the bomb to destroy the city, and itself. The end. ;)
  • Watboi1
    29th Apr 2020
    And it wont let you take over. You need to get back to your worlds.
  • Watboi1
    29th Apr 2020
    Its a bomb. You can leave now.
  • Vampireax
    29th Apr 2020
    The PMC disables the bomb, barely. The device is unstable and must be deconstructed now. The pices can be used to build much finer things, so the PMC can now possibly take over this planet.
  • Watboi1
    29th Apr 2020
    Rolled 12.