Use everything at your disposal to destroy this monstrosity. -TOP 3- 1. me 6s 2. user 0s 3. user 0s *****CLOSED*****
perfect +1
if u say virs is banned : 2963850
AND virus Is not Banned so don't even say it
ez: 2963848
For the sake of "ur bad"... 2720896
I made a save where his wall is yeeted. Ignore the "base" rule, that makes no sense. ID:2568978
lol my noobatomic bomb completely deleted it
TheJoshGuy: If you're making a challenge, don't hide rules.
wHy dO i KeEp forgetting to mention HIDDEN RULES *throws usb drive with tpt across wall*
gUyS lOoK i MaDe A cHaLlEnGe tOo ID:2553669