I tried to do it and it working:). If you want to use it you can not give credit. And you can modify it too if you want. Made it more small
it actually generates forward thrust, use GRAV to see it(little amounts tho, GRAV can burn)
and thanks for 500 views
i maybe not make it more powerful because if i add only ONE more pcln that makes phot hygn is starting to fire for some reasons
Fully destructible is hard with chemical engines, and I might not do that sort again, instead using pressure from particles or other sources.
you can see it flying in left half of engine after start of engine
and mine engine for some reason making elec
i looked at that ship and it is really cool
what iD?
Id:2419200 It's simple, but works.
I have a simple boyl thruster on one build, a fully destructible spaceship.