40 / 4
4th Jun 2020
5th Jun 2020
It's time to shut it down.
nothanksbro doitbro vampireaxisright cowsarebad dhmis timetoshutitdown


  • East_Europe3339
    4th Jun 2020
    get smart people
  • East_Europe3339
    4th Jun 2020
    lets get tutorial-ing
  • Vampireax
    4th Jun 2020
    Or at least limit their impact.
  • East_Europe3339
    4th Jun 2020
  • East_Europe3339
    4th Jun 2020
    we need to educate idiots
  • Vampireax
    4th Jun 2020
    Just add a third button. Upvote, downvote, and nominate. It's so simple. 10 nominations, maybe more, to get FP. Instead of random spaghetti code that is older than Adobe. A certain amount of downvotes can counter a nomination as well.
  • Vampireax
    4th Jun 2020
    This isn't a meme. I am serious. If garbage ends up on FP after 1 vote at the right time limit and people just circle jerk a hunk of metal or a piece of soap that twitches spastically, while way more people than me work hard on real saves and are denied appreciation, the front page is broken. I'd rather see the front page removed. Discussions have gone on for years about an improvement, and no one is willing to implement one.
  • Vampireax
    4th Jun 2020
    Now go remove the garbage, since you care so much what is on FP suddenly. You didn't even say why you removed this.
  • jacob1
    4th Jun 2020
    This save, a simple and well-drawn meme save, appeals more to the general audience than the ships. That shouldn't discourage you from making more ships, just understand that not every save is destined for front page.
  • jacob1
    4th Jun 2020
    Removing this from front page. While I'm sure you spent a lot of time on that save, you still got a ton of upvotes, a lot more than the average save. The ships may not appeal to a general TPT audience, but I don't think you should be worried if it doesn't get front page. Also, front page is a place for the most highly voted saves that people are interested in. A save shouldn't get disqualified for only requiring 1 hour of work to create. That would disqualify so many good saves.