i have a question. is it posible that a not open save has 2 Views?
i have meidcal caused Problem whit learning grammar. and i have a glitched autocorection.
I hope you have some grammar to go with it somewhere.
i actualy have a Lore. i just didnt put it in a save Jet.
You don't fit in at all, you have no lore, nothing to put behind your words. For example, Anacrium has been running for over half a year giving the players and MT time to develop their nations. You are only speaking of what you are, but you have absolutely nothing in regards to what your nation is. You are not like us at all, and you don't fit in just because us as the players don't make much publically seen content about our nations.
well,than i Fit in great. i don't have many open saves but a lot of stamps. and i like to measure by what would hapen to schips in the real world ,or in the sort of world that they are used in in tpt. If you use a schip that flys around in a solar sistem whitout open Radiaton Minecrafttranquility's schips function just fine.
Essentially, you have no idea what you are looking at.