29th Jul 2020
30th Jul 2020
What it says in the title. its still being worked on, but it should be fairly functional for casual bomb testing.
Can survive SMDB (modded) without extra gravity nice
nice job only about 6 pixels of the prot from my prot bomb got past
yeah, Warp is really strange and can just zoop straight past my stuff, which is a feels bad man moment
yeah, sadly i got a 1 frame lag time from the sensors seeing the protons and the repeller layer shootin and tootin, so a fast enough proton can make a hole. I feel like this is best used with other defences and not just by itself.
Also high yeild exotic matter warp bombs could propably damage it.
Yeah though it seems that a concetration of high velocity protons is capable of damaging it and there fore ultimatedly destroying it at some point. This is due to the use of layering and conveyers.
thanks dude, one thing to mention is that it does use indestructables, so most things won't just shoot through it.
If i may say this is something quite powerfull. My strongest nuclear bomb couldn't get trough it.