The sponge is thinner so its still an unfair comparison lol
kerponaut: but if you try to punch through 1m of steel and 1m of cardboard the cardboard will deform , steel will ignore it
Ok, I did not expect to get on FP, so let me clarify. This post was made to show what unmodified wet SPNG does when hit by THDR. I thought the original post was misleading in the fact that it was called 'TPT Logic', but didn't use base TPT 'rules', if that makes sense. So yes, in many circumstances the SPNG easily beats the TTAN, including one the original poster made that I believe is in this comment section.
@Thebaconchest that sure was the best joke HAHAHAHAH IT WAS SO FUNNY!! AHAHAHAHAH, shut up it wasnt a joke, jokes are funny.
TPT makes me wonder if people can understand jokes.
Today ill show how steel is completely useless! *Punches trough 0.2mm of steel* Look its just bad! And now! *Fails to punch trough 100 paper sheets* As you can see paper is obviusly better that steel.