23 / 1
27th Sep 2020
30th Nov 2020
Brick 3 is a labor of love and devotion. It took too long to find the solution that I did. It is signless, wi-fi-less, an easy snap to grid design, easy to make it any number of digits, and has instant carry with a perfectly synchronized display.
counter timer fast record electronics electronic


  • Qweryntino
    23rd Dec 2020
    Nice, I like the better and more compact FILT counting mechanism
  • TiredTech
    28th Nov 2020
    Turns out the real previous smallest was by Qweryntino. His save seemed to make its way under the radar.
  • TiredTech
    28th Nov 2020
    If you have any problems or bugs I want to know as soon as possible.
  • TiredTech
    28th Nov 2020
    There was only one thing that I fail to understand. :The carry fails to activate properly unless you execute a "Save Stamp Load Stamp" routine.
  • TiredTech
    28th Nov 2020
    I did some bug testing. Here are my fixes. :Fixed LDTC interacting with outside particals by placing specific elements on either end. :Fixed the last module from failing to reset to zero when the line reaches the end. :Fixed the bug with signals failing to propagate after a stamp save stamp load routine. :Replaced glass with brick so that it wouldn't break if the glass breaky glitch occured. (Real problem) :Fixed the fact that your comment was not replied to.
  • Lollipop_
    28th Nov 2020
    Have you bugtested it yet? Just making sure you have.
  • TiredTech
    21st Oct 2020
    Basically mines the smallest, but also has more functions than the previous smallest
  • MonolisAmoVinisz
    30th Sep 2020
    You are expert :)
  • TiredTech
    29th Sep 2020
    Disclaimer! Technically the previous smallest is not the one I showcased but is a different one mechaman made in his save. Mine is still smaller than that one but also has all the functionality of the one I showcased.
  • nickstar
    29th Sep 2020
    dude very smol needs FP +1