NOTE: This is NOT part of MinecraftTranquility's Nationwode universe, this is a seperate independent RP. No slots available Landscape will affect Infrastructure and armies. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments.
The Sheikah have appeared on the edge of The Crags. They have access to plenty of resources, but not much wealth. Technological era: Stone Age
2595815 I can't get coordinates. So I've made this save to show where I want to start. The pink dot is where I want to start.
Watboi1 please send exact coordinates if possible
IlikeUssr tell me the coordinates for your capital, and the name of your nation
Can I have plot?
Hmm. I'll just call them the Sheikah Tribe lmao. I'll start at the Base of the volcano mountain if possible.
what is your nation's name, and what coordinates?
I will join.