4 / 3
14th Oct 2020
22nd Oct 2020
NOTE: This is NOT part of MinecraftTranquility's Nationwode universe, this is a seperate independent RP. No slots available Landscape will affect Infrastructure and armies. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments.


  • notoyou
    22nd Oct 2020
    and did my scouts ever find good ores and such to use
  • notoyou
    22nd Oct 2020
    XD cts
  • notoyou
    22nd Oct 2020
    research road making, basic shoes, carts, or irregation methods and i asked to research ways to increase my stability like meds, sanitation that sortta thing
  • SithSabers
    22nd Oct 2020
    Watboi1 Education is unique in in that it can be researched forever while researching other things. Paper research nearly completed. You do not need to research currency, but you can establish anything you want as a currency. Metal coins at this stage would not work very well due to the relative lack of metal in your nation's economy, but once you get a smeltery up and running, I would suggest that as a form of currency.
  • Watboi1
    22nd Oct 2020
    Ah. Ok. Has my education or paper research been completed. Also I wish to be notified as soon as my people find something of interest. Also could I begin using smelted circles of pressed patterned metal as coins to establish a currency system or do I need to instead research currency?
  • SithSabers
    22nd Oct 2020
    Watboi1 Yes. The represent that someone has made a turn-consuming action like deciding to expand more, building a big structure (City, Port, etc.), or generating troops or vehicles.
  • Watboi1
    22nd Oct 2020
    Out of interest what do those squares next to people names mean? Is it representing an action?
  • SithSabers
    22nd Oct 2020
    Watboi1 all but one of the scouting party leaves, with the one refusing to go on the grounds that his family needs him, and he is expecting a child soon.
  • Watboi1
    22nd Oct 2020
    I shall also send out the scouting team that originally found the crater to explore the areas beyond it. Granted that the areas do not contain any of the beasts. Any interesting information that they find is to be complied in their minds and reported when they find something major and worthy of mention.
  • SithSabers
    22nd Oct 2020
    Watboi1 you can currently only set up one prototype smeltery and it will not be as fast as a full-size smeltery, which includes a smithy, but it does the job. The first collection team is sent off equipped with stone pickaxes to chip off chunks of the rock.