4 / 3
14th Oct 2020
22nd Oct 2020
NOTE: This is NOT part of MinecraftTranquility's Nationwode universe, this is a seperate independent RP. No slots available Landscape will affect Infrastructure and armies. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments.


  • Watboi1
    20th Oct 2020
    Just send him a DM if you need him to do something.
  • Watboi1
    20th Oct 2020
    Also once my metal smelting research thing is complete I shall begin to research paper if possible to better record what my people learn.
  • SithSabers
    20th Oct 2020
    Anaprantias stability dropping dramatically! Your people need a leader!
  • Watboi1
    20th Oct 2020
    I shall establish a tent in my city (which I assume is composed of tents) where all of the wise people of my village (scientists equivalent) shall reside. This tent shall be larger than most and it is where all of the wise people shall gather to exchange knowledge and record what they find on scrolls made from animal skins. These wise people shall also hold public education sessions where they help educate the youths of my city in their knowledge and teach them the value of knowledge.
  • SithSabers
    20th Oct 2020
    notoyou Expansion will be completed in approximately three more seasons, unless something major impedes it. Building one more food producer at this stage will take at least two seasons.
  • notoyou
    20th Oct 2020
    ok so how long will expantion research and making more food producers take?
  • SithSabers
    20th Oct 2020
    notoyou you need to establish a trade route of some sort, or touch borders with them
  • notoyou
    20th Oct 2020
    and how do i talk to other nations
  • notoyou
    20th Oct 2020
    until i hit the ocean if thats ok
  • SithSabers
    20th Oct 2020
    notoyou where do you want to finish expansion? until you hit the river and can't go any further?