@MrPineapple that's ionizing radiation, but light and radio waves are radiation too, and they're all photons, and at the same time waves. It's really weird
Radiation is not radio waves. Radiation is gamma rays tho I think, so they are on the electromagnetic spectrum, and could probably be used to transmit data.
@Bigboomstuff: "Both radio waves and light are electromagnetic waves; their main difference is their frequency." - straight from google. photons are the electromagnetic particle.
iceofpowder: photons in real life are light fyi and radios use radiation
the difference between a raidio and this is that a radio uses radio waves (photons) and this uses neutrons, also a radio is more pricise with the waves it sends, but ok for a first try
also you inspired me and im going to make a sattelite aray
its ok for a first time so +1
Radiation = Radioation = Radio Waves = R A D I O S